Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

bahasa inggris tentang tenses

Nuclear Energy
Nandityo Adinugroho_55411101_1IA05
uclear energy, also called atomic energy, is the most powerful kind of energy known. It produces the tremendous heat and ligth of the sun and the shattering blast of nuclear weapons. Nuclear energy results from changes in the nucleus (core) of atoms.
Scientists and engineers have found many uses of nuclear energy, especially in producing electricity. The energy released by nuclei creates large amounts of heat can be used to make steam, and the steam can be used to generate electricity. Enginers have invented device called nuclear reactors to produce and contrl nuclear energy.
However, there are advantages and disadvantagesof nuclear energy. Nuclear power plants have two main advantages over fossil-fuel plants. A nuclear plant uses much less fuel than does fossil-fuel plant. The fissioning of 1 metric ton of uranium fuel, for example, provides about as musch heat energy as the burning of 3 million metric tons of coal or 12 million barrels of oil. Uranium, unlike fossil fuels doesnt release chemical or solid pollutants into the air during use.
In spite of this advantages, nuclear has three main disadvantages that hav slowed the development of nuclear power worldwide. Nuclear plants cost more to build than fossil-fluel plants. Nuclear plants are potentally hazardous. To make them as safe as possible, they must meet certain goverment regulations that fossil-flue plants so not have to meet. For example, a nuclear plant must satisfy goverment authorities that it can quickly and automatically deal with any kind of emergency. In addition, many are opposing the constructsion of new plants since the 1979 ancccident at the three mile island nuclear power plant near harrisburg, pennsylnavia and afterwards, the 1989 accident at chernobyl, in ukraine, and also the new incident in japan. Uranium continues to produce dangerous radiation long after it has been used up as a fluel for nuclear energy. The problem of safety storing uranium wates has not yet been solved.
Present Past Perfect
Past Tense
Present Tense

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